Domestic Violence Prevention
Anger Management:
Parenting Class:
Alcohol and Drug Prevention Class:
Clients may earn
their certificates by
completing the
course within a group
or individual setting.
Please contact the office for more details.
continue their education often exceeding the minimum required by the Board and our Profession-to keep abreast of the latest technique and newest treatment modalities annually.
Their certificates earned during this process are on file per Counselor.
All of our remarkable Counselors possess a Masters degree and/or higher; and is versed in providing an integrative blend of therapeutic tools to effect change and healing!
The counselors who are not yet licensed are under Supervision and monitoring to ensure the client the best of care.
The Owner and Supervisor does accept future Master's and licensed counselors; and is active in the supervisee' s client's-session and treatment.
Drug and Alcohol InformationIndividual and family support while providing education and treatment; also offering 12 step, Christian-based group therapy. Random drug screens and assessments. Available when court ordered to provide expert assessment regarding progress towards healing. The provision of certification and or court letter regarding the completion of the program to present to court, is provided for clients who successfully complete up to 26 depending upon the client's individual assessment or court mandates. Consultation and/or cooperation with medical and school collaterals for wrap around services are provided. We accept and welcome court, DCS, medical, and relational referrals, as well as; self referrals for help.
Learning DifficultiesChildren having difficulties in school due to attention, focus, and/or behavioral issues? We work closely with the School Counselor and medical collaterals to discover why, to provide advocacy for you and your child, to devise techniques for the school to utilize to assist the child towards more positive behaviors, less stress, less fear, and to acheive a higher self image while learning appropriate boundaries, respect of authority figures, and while working with the parents and teachers to develop better skills and boundaries. Children will learn to be better able to choose positive choices and to discern probable consequences. Parents of children with learning or behavioral issues will be provided education as to their parental approach so as to best help their children.
CounselingWe want to listen to your stories and help you rewrite your future. We build Marraige and families. Regardless of why you hurt or act out negatively; regardless of what you tell yourself or others; we know you are able and capable to overcome and to grow, when you learn the tools. Relationships, premarriage, distrust, trauma, parenting, behavioral, A&D, phobias, social problems, career, legal, foster parenting, Stress reduction, health and mindfulness, also children rilvary, vocational issues, boundary setting, self-management, anger management, Divorce recovery issues; needed interventions and like issues are solvable with healing and hope provided tools.
Confidentiality DisclosureMust report suspected or reported self-imposed intent to harm. Must report suspected or reported intent to cause harm towards another entity. Must abide with Court Orders within the confines of the State statutes and make the client aware of the need to report. During group sessions, there is a risk that confidentiality could be breached. When networking, during office process, or when working in smaller towns, the risk increases regarding confidentiality. Every effort will be made to safeguard our client's confidentiality. A release of information will be needed prior to providing protected information as required with HIPPA. Our online therapy sessions are in accordance with HIPPA regulations and will need to be paid prior to the sessions. Advise and please see the link below
What are your HoursOffice hours vary depending on scheduled appointments. Typical appointment start times: 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM Monday - Thursday 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM Friday Closed Saturday & Sunday Please ask us if you need an appointment time outside of our typical hours.
Types of groups :Certified parenting class Certified Anger management and Domestic Violence Prevention Class Certified Alchohol and Drug Prevention Marriage and Divorce Recovery Grief and Loss Trauma
Member of: Focus on the Family, Psychology Today, Theravive, Good Therapy, Holistic Therapy, Brainspotting network, Betterhelp, Christian Counseling Directory, Healthgrades, Theratribe, Find a Therapist, Indeed (resume's), Military and First Response network, PESI, and other Therapy directories.
All certified classes: Must be screened and assessed. Relational, Behavioral, Mental, and/or Emotional issues are assessed, along with Substance abuse, or other Addictions-are ascertained and factored into the client's needs.
Payment: Insurance accepted or self pay, sliding scale based; or EAP, classes conducted are within a group or a minimum of 6, or the individual rate of the client's insurance will be applied -depending upon the market and rate changes.
All participants will need to bring their composition notebook and pen, participate, and be in each session.
Depending upon the type of class; and depending upon the screening process; and/or court order-the length of the classes will vary between 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, to 26 weeks. With co-occurring disorders and issues, then a need for individual therapy or an adjunct of a different class may be required to effect a maximum benefit.

We work to protect all clients and staff with mutual respect to all human beings!
Contact OFFICE: 423-790-4906: For scheduled or cancelled appointments: Clients who are 10 minutes late may have to wait or be rescheduled. If this is the last appointment for the day, the therapist can opt to leave if the client is 10 minutes late. If rescheduled the client will pay a late show fee of $45 dollars (or market price).
Missed appointments will result in a charge to client. 3 missed appointments will result in no further appointments but the client can walk in and be worked into the day's clientele.
Clients are to give a 24 hour notice to cancel in order for the clinician to be able to fill the vacancy. Cancellations that occur with less notice may be subject to a missed appointment protocol. Please contact office if the weather is bad to ensure the office is open or closed.
Should the client refuse to cooperate with the counselor to receive services, making services impossible, then the client will be liable to pay for the session regardless of if the client remains or leaves. The client has responsibilities and rights that are listed in the client manual on the bulletin board within the waiting room.
Clients are responsible for cancelled court appearances and the blocked time that a counselor created to represent and to advocate for the client! PLEASE INFORM YOUR LEGAL COUNSEL!
Disclaimer: Emails are not monitored 24/7 and therefore may take 24-48 hours for a response: Call in case of crisis to Counselor. If busy, call 911 or report to hospital for assessment.
We do have Counselors who are also versed in Nutrition, play therapy, Hypnosis, Brainspotting, Light, and other holistic therapeutic skills which aid our clients to maximize their brain and body health, increase clarity, and provide additional resources for them to succeed in reaching their goals.
Although our team of Counselors are primarily Christian of various religions-we respect those of other faiths, culture, and beliefs and do not pressure our clients with our own core beliefs. We believe that we are to reflect Christ, our Savior with a non-judgmental, grace-filled, and professional approach as we work to assist out clients towards healing.
We understand that we are all humans-and as such-we honor your right to choose your path-and cannot change the consequences or how society views this path; but will work towards clarity of options, while aiding with perspectives and tools. When clients wish to include spirituality constructs with the wisdom that this enhances healing and completes healing, we can walk with you without imposing our own doctrine-remaining with the Word of God, or attempting to learn more as to our client's spiritual walk/faith/culture.
"I was interviewed by Brandon from Life Coach Path..." March 2020, to speak about my reason to become a counselor and coach!