By Glyndora Condon MS MFT LPC
The frontal lobe is known as our executive center. It is where all knowledge is stored, discernment is processed, and choices are decided upon. The brain powers every system of our body and cognition. Science knows much about our brain yet still knows very little. It is an amazing organ. It processes information quicker and is able to provide multiple complex functions simultaneously. When major injury to the brain occurs, other areas of the brain can be remapped upon as information is relearned. As the body is in the process of shutting down, the brain can remain alive and functioning if the will of the person needs to meet some deadline, see some event, reconcile with a loved one or to pray-to the amazement of the medical personnel who will state that their life is beyond medical reason. With such power then doesn’t it make sense to provide crucial elements for our brains to work at their maximum potential?
Let’s pretend as if we are builders of a massive construct that will require the best possible foundation on which to stand strongly upon. As we are considering the material of the foundation-where would we go? What expense would we consider? Would we go to the sand fields or to strong stones and or blocks? Would we skimp on the cost of this foundation or would we want to ensure that we get the best material, material layers, and wait for the best weather so that the foundation is solid?
With our brains, then we must be as mindful as to how we feed and care for it. Brains need certain elements in order to function at their potential. They would need the right chemicals derived from minerals, vitamins, herbs, light, and exercise in the correct amounts. In addition, our brains need oxygen and blood flow. In order to be positive thinkers with less mood issues then the brain also would requires positive stimuli and information. The information that we expose our brains to will be what our brains will absorb and will deliver to us. Therefore if we spend hours watching gore, violence, and horror; then our brains will be saturated with these thoughts and emotions. We then would experience fear, stress, and anxiety more and could also become less hopeful. If we watch or read educational, inspirational, and wholesome material and then practice thinking upon the positive things-then we will find that our thinking will reflect the more positive stimuli that we are feeding our brains. We would spend more time with a contented heart and more hope. If we only knew how powerful our brains are and how influential that input is to our brains; then we would choose to be more careful.
As a clinician who also instructed for 17 years regarding the subject of nutrition and exercise, and worked in the medical field for 14 years-then I realized and therefore-do instruct the need to limit or omit gluten and sugar from the diets of children with learning disorders and behavioral disorders, since I have personally witnessed dramatic changes in ADHD, Autism, and behavioral issues. When gluten and sugar were removed from the diets of adults and children-while therapy was being utilized; then the adult or child became more likely to focus, concentrate, and to remain on topic. Parents also report increased compliance and better grades as they implement the tools and the diet changes.
Children and adults who are suicidal or aggressive are removed from negative content stimuli and are limited with screen use; especially negative social media forums in order to remove the influence. Instead they are encouraged to replace such with positive and healthier stimuli.
Deep breathing retraining and exercise are also utilized to encourage the increase of oxygen and provide clients, distraction tools.
Evidence is observed with each case when clients implement thoughtful choices regarding their brain’s health, which do enhance the application of therapy efficacy. Without the dietary changes then adults and children have a more difficult time in working their treatment plan due to the chemical imbalances that are hindering their brain’s cognition. More effort then has to be applied by the client to remain focused and to fight the negative emotions and impulses.
Maximizing our brains potential is therefore helpful in aiding our clients during their healing.